Our work has been selected repeatedly from thousands of entries from within the United States and more than 40 countries worldwide. Since 2004 we have won over a dozen awards. They include:

  1. 2020

  2. American Graphic Design Awards, 2020

    This year over 10,000 entries were submitted of which 10% were award winners. Our work will be included in the Annual Issue this December which will be distributed to 100,000 + design professionals. For nearly 60 years - Graphic Design USA (GDUSA) has been a business-to-business information source for graphic design professionals. GDUSA covers news, people, project, trends, technology, products and services. The GDUSA now includes a 100,000 visitor-a-month website, a monthly e-newsletter, a digital version of the magazine, and several national design competitions that culminate in Annuals showcasing the best in Graphic Design, Inhouse Design, Web Design, Package Design, Healthcare Design, and Digital Design.

  1. 2012

  2. American Graphic Design Awards, 2012

  1. 2009

  2. American Graphic Design Awards, 2009

    This year over 8,000 entries were submitted of which 15% were winners. Our work will also be included in the Annual Issue this December which will be distributed to 100,000 + design professionals. The winning entries were:

  1. 2007

  2. American Graphic Design Awards, 2007

  3. Communicator Award of Distinction, 2007

  4. Communicator Honorable Mention, 2007

  1. 2006

  2. Communicator Award of Distinction, 2006

  3. Communicator Honorable Mention, 2006

  1. 2005

  2. Graphic Design USA, 2005

  1. 2004

  2. Award of Distinction, Creativity 34, 2004

  3. Gold Medalist, MarCom, 2004